Strategic Plan update: April 21, 2016


First in a series of email updates on the Strategic Plan review and extension process.

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APRIL 21, 2016

Take the survey
Today's public school students are balancing rapid change — local and global — with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. As students work to shape a positive future, what are their hopes and aspirations, what inspires them to learn at their best, and how do we support them? [tumblr blog]

Student success is at the center of the Joint Hawaii Department of Education/Board of Education Strategic Plan. This year, we are reviewing and extending the plan to better support students and schools in achieving their goals. Your voice is critical. Please join the public conversation and encourage others to participate in the online survey through May 31, and post your ideas to the community conversation blog there, too. Share your posts and other thoughts on social media with #HIQualityEd. Please forward this link to others in your network and encourage them to provide input!

Hawaii's updated and extended DOE/BOE Strategic Plan will be completed by December 2016. The new strategic plan and the state plan for the federal Every Student Succeeds Act will work hand-in-hand to:
  • Support our youth so they can achieve their goals;
  • Support innovation; and
  • Support a positive path forward that builds on growth and lessons learned.
Learn more about the plan and the process on the DOE website — click the Strategic Plan link on the homepage at

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