Strategic Plan Update, May 24, 2016


One in a series of updates about the Strategic Plan review and extension process.

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MAY 24, 2016

What is special about Hawai'i?
Common ground is emerging in our focus groups: How is Hawai'i unique and special, what strengths can we contribute to the national and global conversation about education, and how do we capture that in our state's Strategic Plan?

For one third grader who weighed in, learning in Hawai'i means taking care of our special places. "All kids in Hawai'i should be able to know where they come from — maybe that will inspire them to take care of the beaches and the 'aina. If we don't take care of it, the whole 'aina would be gone, and we would also be gone."

Click to view Facebook video on student success.

A high school student reflected on the DOE's current value statements, saying "I like how they recognize that living in Hawai'i is different from other states. It is different here. I think it is cool that they want to cultivate that in Hawai'i, even if you are not from Hawai'i but you live here now."

How does this translate into the definition of "student success" for our state? Please encourage others to contribute their voice and perspective. The DOE posted this one-minute video on Facebook — share it with others and expand the conversation! The online survey is live through May 31, 2016, and takes 10 minutes. Click here to add your voice now!

Updates on our Strategic Plan outreach
Mahalo to the more than 750 individuals who have contributed their input to the online survey, and to everyone who participated in our dozens of focus groups statewide! Learn more and see our map here. Many thanks to those who hosted their own focus groups to date.

Did you catch the latest news segments on the state Strategic Plan? See below. Plus, we've sent out another call to participate in the survey via press release. Please share with your family, friends and school community. Or forward this email!

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Phone: (808) 784-6200


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