April 2016 Education Update


In this edition: Latest College & Career Readiness Indicators report shows more seniors earning Early College credit, Maunakea Scholars from Kapolei High begin their telescope time, Leilehua High students excel in national Scholastic Art Awards, Supt. Kathryn Matayoshi talks about the review and extension of the Strategic Plan, opportunities and coming events.


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April 2016 edition

​​Supt's Corner

SuptThe Hawaii DOE and Board of Education are launching a review and extension of the 2011-2018 Strategic Plan, which was last updated in 2012.

With the completion of the Race to the Top federal grant and passage of the new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), now is the right time to reconsider strategies and indicators for success.

The three overarching goals of the Strategic Plan will remain: student success, staff success, and successful systems of support. Together with statewide strategies to help inform and guide efforts, we’re committed to ensure quality education for all students, support innovation, and build leadership at the school and community level.

Over the past five years, we’ve experienced great progress in our public school system and our schools. To help students reach their aspirations, we are taking a close look at lessons learned and ongoing challenges. Although our mission remains the same — to ensure that all students reach their aspirations from early learning through college, career, and citizenship — we can improve and employ innovative strategies to help all students succeed.

When we say our mission is to support student aspirations, we’re talking about their goals, not just ours. Our juniors take the ACT each year. Over the past three years (Classes of 2014, 2015, and 2016), 84 percent finished the student aspirations survey as part of the exam, and they have made it clear they have high expectations for themselves:

  • 47 percent expect to complete a four-year degree (BA/BS);
  • 30 percent expect to complete a graduate degree (MD, MA, JD, PhD, MBA);
  • 13 percent expect to complete a two-year college degree (AA).
  • Another 3 percent want to get a technical or vocational certificate.

That’s 90 percent of students taking the survey who expect to go to college. This bodes well for the future health of our state workforce.

We encourage you to join us in this close look at student aspirations and how to get students where they want to go. We soon will be sharing details with staff via memo and email, along with updating the Strategic Plan page.

Education affects us all, and we are seeking your feedback and participation in the process. Your support and input is greatly appreciated.


Kathryn Matayoshi


Contact Information

Communications and Community Affairs Office

Phone: 808-586-3232

Email: doe_info@hawaiidoe.org

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