A Department-wide framework to develop the skills, behaviors and dispositions that are reminiscent of Hawaiʻi’s unique context, and to honor the qualities and values of the indigenous language and culture of Hawaiʻi.
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HĀ Community Days
Schools and community come together to share HĀ and engage in discussions and activities to contextualize a learning framework and determine how to strengthen HĀ within and without HIDOE.
Six outcomes to be strengthened in every student over the course of their K-12 learning journey.
A two-year pilot to develop a culturally responsive assessment framework for HĀ outcomes.
Please complete this form to request HĀ support and/or resources including presentations, facilitation, and HĀ handouts and posters.
HĀ Terms [VIEW]This document provides an overview and description of various HĀ terms.
HĀ Year 2 in Review, September 2018 [VIEW]Overview of the HĀ pilot from July 2017 to September 2018 with an update on the work to date and links to resources.
Hawai‘i Voices of Rethinking Assessment: Making Space for All Learners [LISTEN] Listen to the podcast sharing the voices of Hawaiʻi students, educators, and partners who are reimagining assessment and experiencing assessment for learning through the HĀ framework.
HĀ to Begin the School Year 2017-18, August 2017 [VIEW]The HĀ newsletter provides useful information and resources connected to the HĀ Pilot. To subscribe, open one of the past issues and click on Subscribe.
HĀ-lights: Perspectives from the Field on HĀ Implementation, September 2017 [VIEW]Highlighting the moʻolelo of pilots statewide from the perspectives of different levels, including teachers, schools, universities and community organizations.
HĀ-lights: Perspectives from the Field on HĀ Implementation, 2nd Edition, September 2018 [VIEW]Highlighting the moʻolelo of pilots statewide from the perspectives of a school, a complex area, two state level offices, and a community organization.
HĀ Year 1 in Review, July 2017 [VIEW]
Overview of the work with plans to build capacity around 6 Strands of Work identified in the pilot sites.
Mo‘olelo: Nā Hopena A‘o, July 2016 [VIEW]Read about the development of the HĀ policy and how the process is informing the overall 3-year HĀ pilot.
End goals, the result of an action
Learning and teaching
In 2013 Former Board of Education Member Cheryl Lupenui gathered various community and HIDOE representatives to participate in an audit and redraft of BOE Policy 4000, General Learner Outcomes. As a result of the process, recommendations were made by the audit committee to leave Policy 4000 intact, and instead create a new kind of policy. This new policy, E-3 (which stands for Ends Policy 3), would provide a framework for the Department to develop in its employees and students the skills, behaviors and dispositions that are reminiscent of Hawaiʻi’s unique context and to honor the qualities and values of the indigenous language and culture of Hawaiʻi. In June 2015, the policy was approved by the Hawaiʻi BOE as follows:
Policy E-3: Nā Hopena A‘o (HĀ)
Nā Hopena A‘o (“HĀ”) is a framework of outcomes that reflects the Department of Education’s core values and beliefs in action throughout the public educational system of Hawaii. The Department of Education works together as a system that includes everyone in the broader community to develop the competencies that strengthen a sense of belonging, responsibility, excellence, aloha, total-well-being and Hawaii (“BREATH”) in ourselves, students and others. With a foundation in Hawaiian values, language, culture and history, HĀ reflects the uniqueness of Hawaii and is meaningful in all places of learning. HĀ supports a holistic learning process with universal appeal and application to guide learners and leaders in the entire school community.
The following guiding principles should lead all efforts to use HĀ as a comprehensive outcomes framework:
Rationale: The purpose of this policy is to provide a comprehensive outcomes framework to be used by those who are developing the academic achievement, character, physical and social-emotional well-being of all our students to the fullest potential.
[Approved: 06/16/15]
Subsequently, the Office of Hawaiian Education (OHE) has been tasked with a pilot implementation of E-3 in the Hawaiʻi Department of Education (HIDOE). Early adopters of HĀ will help OHE to identify the best strategy to inform future expansion of this work. Early adopters include those who have initiated contact with OHE. They are working in various contexts driven by local communities of teachers, kūpuna, principals, offices and schools to help define how HĀ shows up in their work. In addition to the work of early adopters, OHE is convening internal and external stakeholders to formulate a strategic plan for implementation of HĀ.
HĀ is a set of six outcomes that are firmly rooted in Hawaiʻi. These six-outcomes contain values that are universal to all cultures. Educating students in an environment of HĀ will add value to and strengthen each and every person who engages over the course a learning journey. Department faculty and staff should also be models of behaviors that direct students to what these outcomes might look like in practice. Those who are moved by the goals and intentions of HĀ are encouraged to use it in their every day practice. OHE would welcome any moʻolelo (stories) of best practices and successes that you would like to share as we plan forward.
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Kaʻanohi Kalama-Macomber
Phone: (808) 518-5387
Email: Kaanohi.Kalama-Macomber@k12.hi.us
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