Professional Development

Beyond curricular supports, the Department makes professional development opportunities available to teachers and support staff. In addition, the Leadership Institute was created in 2013 with the goal to align the Department's training and development opportunities into an educational/skills pipeline that would also cultivate a culture of leadership among teachers and principals.


Professional development (PD) focuses on the provision of long-term, sustained commitment to educational practice through professional learning, application, and reflection, and results in enhancing student learning.  The Hawai‘i State Department of Education’s (HIDOE) design principles of quality PD emphasizes the application of innovative curricular, instructional and educational designs in the learning environments for students and adults, transforms instructional practices, and provides evidence for reflection on the impact of student learning.

The Professional Development Credit System initiated in SY 2002 is based on major cornerstones instituted to increase and strengthen the capacity of its educational workforce.  As learning effectuates deepening of skills, knowledge and competencies of participants, the ultimate goal is to create a broad and deep impact on student learning through:

  • Flexible, rigorous, and meaningful learning opportunities that advance HIDOE’s 10-Year Strategic Plan, Five Promises, and vision;

  • Tri-level alignment and implementation of priorities across the HIDOE organizational system (e.g., classroom and school, complex area, and statewide); and

  • Equitable access to professional opportunities to collaborate and earn credits leading to compensation for the full range of educators (in BU 05) across the state.

The Office of Curriculum and Instructional Support (OCID) is the approving office for PD credit courses available to teachers and non-classroom teachers. Participants include the full array of Bargaining Unit 05 members such as classroom and resource teachers, coaches, mentors, coordinators, counselors and librarians. 

For more information on the PD Credit System, please review the Professional Development (PD) Credit System Manual and supporting resources [VIEW]. Questions regarding the PD Credit System can be directed to the OCID Professional Development Office:

The Leadership Institute

The purpose of the Leadership Institute is to develop leadership capacity system-wide, preparing our leaders to implement systemic change and transform schools to secure the futures of the children we serve. The Institute represents a new model of leadership development, one where we move away from the individual leader as authority to fully embrace the idea that everyone is a leader and everyone a learner. For more details, visit or contact

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