Working in Hawai‘i

In addition to providing important services to the education of our children, employment with the Department has many benefits: Vacation and holidays, health plans and a pension plan.

​5-Year Strategic Plan

Hawai'i's Teacher Education Coordinating Committee (TECC) developed a five-year strategic plan to improve teacher recruitment and retention through coordinated partnership efforts.

​New Employee & New Teacher Orientation​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​s

Detailed presentations for new employees and new teachers are available and cover items all new HIDOE hires need to know.  

Employment Report

A summary of employment figures and characteristics of newly-hired teachers and classified support services personnel.

  • School Year 2022-23 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2021-22 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2020-21 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2019-20 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2018-19 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2017-18 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2016-17 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2015-16 [VIEW]​
  • School Year 2014-15 [VIEW]
  • School Year 2013-14 [​VIEW​]​
  • School Year 2012-13 [VIEW]

Benefits overview

Benefits vary by employment appointment and applicable collective bargaining agreement, and are subject to change.

Employees appointed for any period exceeding three months and serves in positions requiring at least one-half of full-time equivalent, are members of the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) under a contributory, non-contributory or hybrid retirement plan as prescribed by State of Hawaii statutes effective the date of employment.

Health benefits

  • Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund (EUTF): Eligible employees may enroll in benefit plans offered by the EUTF. Plans for medical/chiropractic, prescription drug, dental and vision, requires co-payments by the Employer and the employee. The monthly premium for the group life insurance is paid for solely by the Employer; however, the employee must enroll to receive coverage. Information about the plans and rates are provided in the EUTF Open Enrollment Guide for Active Employees or on the EUTF website. During the plan year, when certain mid-year qualifying events occur, employees may be able to enroll, change or cancel their EUTF benefit plans. The following are common qualifying events: acquisition of other coverage, adoption, birth, civil union, death of spouse or dependent, divorce, domestic partner, legal guardianship, loss of coverage, marriage, new eligible student, return from authorized leave of absence, retirement of spouse who is a State or county employee. Employees have 30-days from the eligible event to submit original enrollment form and any applicable supporting documents to the Department's Employee Benefits Unit. You may reach EUTF at 586-7390 (Oahu) or 800-295-0089 (Neighbor Islands) for more information.
  • Premium Conversion Plan option (PCP): Under the PCP program, eligible employees may increase their take home pay by having the Employer deduct the cost of their health benefits premiums from their pay before taxes are withheld. You can learn more at the State's Department of Human Resources Development site.
  • Hawaii Health Connector: ​An​​​​ online health insurance marketplace​​​ created to help individuals ​​​take advantage of health insurance choices. ​​The service was overseen by the state Legislature. Hawaii Health Connector was terminated in 2016 to comply with the federal government's request to switch to

​Tax-deferred programs
Through the state, the Department can offer tax-sheltered annuities, deferred compensation plans, flexible spending accounts and more. Learn more about our tax-deferred programs.

Retirement, service and incentive awards
The State and Department have awards and incentives to recognize the years of service, retirement and achievement of employees. For more information, employees may contact the OTM Performance Management Section at 441-8320 or via email.

Workers' Compensation
The State Workers’ Compensation Law (Chapter 386, HRS) provides benefits to employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness, including the payment of medical expenses as the nature of the injury/illness requires for as long as reasonably needed, wage replacement, permanent disability or permanent partial disability, rehabilitation, services of an attendant, disfigurement and funeral and burial allowance. A portion of wages may be paid if employees are unable to work due to the work related injury or illness. Additionally, employees are able to supplement their workers' compensation benefits with available sick and vacation leave credits. There is a mandatory three-day waiting period starting from the first day of disability, as certified by a licensed physician. Workers' compensation benefits are provided at no cost to employees. For more information, employees should contact the OTM Workers’ Compensation Unit at 441-8484.

Temporary Disability Insurance
Employees are eligible for benefits as specified by the Chapter 392, HRS, and Title 12, Chapter 11 of the State of Hawaii Administrative Rules. Employees who suffer a non-work related injury or illness may be eligible for temporary disability benefits. These benefits replace a portion of the wages up to a maximum of 26 weeks if all requirements are met. There is a mandatory seven-day waiting period starting from the first day of disability. Employees must exhaust all accumulated unused sick leave credits before receiving these benefits. These benefits are provided at no cost to eligible employees. For additional information, contact the OTM Employee Benefits Unit at 441-8311.

Job Class Specifications

The Office of Talent Management's Personnel Management Branch's Classification and Compensation Section is responsible for establishing classification specifications that outline the primary functions of a specific job class, including the duties and responsibilities, level of difficulty, knowledge skills, and abilities necessary to perform the work.  

  • Civil Service Class Specifications​ - View list
  • Educational Officer Class Specifications - View list
  • Support Service Class Specifications - View list

Current Salary Schedules

The Office of Talent Management's Personnel Management Branch's Classification and Compensation Section also manages Salary Schedules, by Bargaining Unit.


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