The ACT in English, Mathematics, Reading and Writing is given to 11th graders as a college entrance exam and to measure student progress toward and readiness for post-secondary plans.

​​​ACT results

  • Class of 2017 [VIEW]
  • Class of 2016 [VIEW]
  • Class of 2015 [VIEW]

​​Testing window

The Department will continue to implement The ACT Plus Writing in SY 2022-23. This college admissions assessment is to be administered to all students enrolled in grade 11 (as defined by credit count in the Student Information System) who have not been administered the test in a prior year (i.e., students repeating grade 11 who have taken the test in a previous year are not expected to be administered the assessment). Schools have the option of administering The ACT on one or more of the statewide administration dates, February 28, March 28, or April 11, 2023 in a paper/pencil mode or online mode on the dates in the table below. In addition to The ACT, the Department will also provide, at no cost to schools, the optional PreACT assessments to help students prepare for college and workplace readiness in the Optional College and Career Readiness Assessments Administration table below.

​​ Assessmen​​t



Testing Window






Test Date 1: 02/27/24


Test Date 2: 04/09/24


​Test Date 3: 04/23/24


​The ACT Online
(including tests with accommodations that can be administered online)

(Tu, W, Th only)







05/03/24​The ACT w/ Accommodations (paper)​

Paper ​







OPTIONAL College and Career Readiness Assessments Administration

​​ Assessmen​​t



Testing Window




9 & 10





The ACT is a curriculum-based examination that can provide helpful information for all students, not just those who are planning to attend college. 

Taking the ACT can give every student a measure of his or her academic strengths and weaknesses, and can be used for college entrance. Students may use their results to recognize their academic strengths and areas where they need to improve, whether they intend to go to college or enter the workplace after high school. 

The ACT also includes an optional 45-60 minute pretest section that is administered to students on a day prior to the initial test date. The pretest session includes a series of questions related to a student's work in high school, college and occupational interests, and future plans. 

There is a 15 minute break between Test 2 and Test 3 and a 5 minute break before the start of the Writing Test.

  • Test 1 (English): 45 minutes
  • Test 2 (Math): 60 minutes
  • Test 3 (Reading): 35 minutes
  • Writing Test (1 prompt): 40 minutes

Students w​ith special needs
Students who are IDEA- and Section 504-eligible may receive accommodations for the ACT exam at the discretion of the appropriate personnel at each school. Listed below are a few types of accommodations available for student use.

  • Regular type:  A test booklet printed in a 10-point font.
  • Large type test booklet:  A test booklet printed in an 18-point font.
  • Large type answer sheet:  An answer sheet printed in an 18-point font. Testing staff to transfer the responses to a regular type answer document to be scanned and scored.
  • Braille:  A test booklet that contains braille and tactile graphics.
  • Reader's script:  A script of the test booklet (includes examinee directions from the test booklet, reading passages, and test items) for the reader to read aloud to one examinee.
  • Audio DVD:  Audio (no video) of the test booklet equivalent to the reader's script.
  • A Scribe to record student responses on answer sheet (must be in a separate room)
  • Additional breaks with standard time (must test in a separate room)
  • Separate test sessions
  • Testing over multiple days
  • Extended time to complete each test
  • A sign language interpreter to sign instructions, test items and response choices (must use Reader’s Script test individually in a separate room)

English Learner Supports

English learner (EL) supports are available only for examinees who are not proficient in English. EL supports must be authorized by ACT.

EL supports are limited to:

  • Bilingual Word-to-Word Dictionary

  • Translated written test directions, provided by ACT

  • One and one-half time

  • Small group testing

Documentation and Guides on Accessibility Supports for the ACT are available on the Accessibility Supports page on the ACT Hawaii website.

The Testing with English Learner (EL) Supports page will provide additional information on supports available for English Learners.

Contact Information

Bruce Hirotsu

Phone: 808-307-3636


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