Visit TeachinHawaii.org to learn more the benefits of teaching in Hawaii, including teacher licensing. 
Substitute Teachers
A substitute teacher certification is not required for those who have completed a State-Approved Teacher Education (SATE) program.
Those with a Bachelor's degree or higher (no teacher training) will need to complete a Substitute Teacher Certification program.
Applicants with less than a Bachelor's degree may be hired by exception, but with a minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent and must have complete a Substitute Teacher Certification program.
All substitute teacher certifications are valid for five (5) years and may be obtained using one of the following programs:
To be recertified, applicants must successfully obtain a re-certification by obtaining a certificate from one of the Substitute Teacher Certification programs above.
Paraeducator (Educational Assistants)
A paraeducator works under the supervision of teachers or other professional practitioners. Their jobs are instructional in nature and they provide other direct services to children and youth and their families, including:
- One-on-one tutoring
- Assist with classroom management
- Provide instructional assistance in a computer laboratory
- Conduct parental involvement activities
- Provide instructional support in a library or media center
- Act as a translator, or
- Provide instructional support services under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher or professional practitioner.
Minimum requirements for paraeducators:
- Forty-eight semester credits of baccalaureate-level courses from a regionally accredited institution of higher education recognized by the Department. The 48 credits may be from various program or academic subject areas. In addition, 6 of the 48 credits must have been for math and English courses at the baccalaureate level. Or,
- An Associate in Arts (AA) or Science (AS) degree from a regionally accredited institution recognized by the Department. The credits earned for the degree must have been for courses that are baccalaureate level. Or,
- A certificate with a minimum score of 459 on the
ParaPro Assessment provided by the Educational Testing Service.
For more information, contact Classified / Support Services Personnel Recruitment at 808-441-8411.
ParaPro Assessment
The ParaPro Assessment is a computer-based assessment option for Educational Assistants (EA) and part-time Paraprofessional Tutors (PPT) to meet Department of Education minimum qualifications for employment.
The administration of the ParaPro Assessment is managed by the
Community School for Adults (CSA). Individuals interested in future ParaPro Assessment opportunities can contact the following CSA campuses for more information:
McKinley CSA:
- McKinley Campus: 808-594-0540
- Kauai Campus: 808-274-3390
- Maui Campus: 808-873-3082
Waipahu CSA:
- Waipahu Campus: 808-307-9677
- Hilo Campus: 808-480-3231
- Wahiawa Campus: 808-305-3200
- Windward Campus: 808-307-1455
School-Level Educational Officers
Pursuant to HRS§302A-605 and in support of the Hawaii Department of Education Principal Pipeline, Hawaii Certification Institute for School Leaders (HICISL), within the Professional Development and Educational Research Institute (PDERI), certifies all public school administrators, principals and vice principals, through various pathways.
HICISL Vice Principal Certification Program
A one year residency internship under the supervision of a mentor principal. Successful completion of all program requirements results in an Initial School Administrator Certificate (ISAC). The ISAC allows applications for vacant vice principal or equivalent positions.
HICISL Principal Certification Program
A one year preparatory program for the principalship for tenured Department vice principals. Successful completion of this program results in a Professional School Administrator Certificate (PSAC). The PSAC allows application for vacant principal or equivalent positions.
Track IV - Licensed School Administrator with Vice Principal Experience
School administrators who possess a current, valid K-12 school level administrator license through another U.S. state, holds a master’s degree in Educational Administration or Educational Leadership from an accredited university, and has a minimum of three (3) years of experience as a licensed school level administrator may be eligible for an Initial School Administrator Certificate (ISAC). This allows applications to vacant vice principal or equivalent positions.
Track V - Licensed School Administrator with Principal Experience
School administrators who possess a current, valid K-12 school level administrator license through another U.S. state, holds a master’s degree in Educational Administration or Educational Leadership from an accredited university, and has a minimum of five (5) years of K-12 school level experience, to include four (4) years of satisfactory performance as a licensed, K-12 school-level principal with duties comparable to a Department principal may be eligible for a Professional School Administrator Certificate (PSAC). This allows applications to vacant principal or equivalent positions.
Servicemember Civil Relief Act (SCRA) - portability of professional licenses for active military and spouse
SCRA allows servicemembers and their spouse to use their professional licenses and certificates in certain circumstances when they must relocate due to military orders. For a license to be considered valid in a new location, a servicemember or their spouse must satisfy the following five criteria:
1. Have moved to a location outside the jurisdiction of the licensing authority that issued the covered license or certificate because of orders for military service;
2. Provide a copy of the military orders to the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction;
3. Have actively used the license or certificate during the two years immediately preceding the move;
4. Remain in good standing with: a) the licensing authority that issued the covered license or certificate; and b). every other licensing authority that issued a license or certificate valid for a similar scope of practice and in the discipline applied for in the new jurisdiction; and
5. Submit to the authority of the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction for the purposes of standards of practice, discipline, and fulfillment of any continuing education requirements.
For detailed information about becoming a certified school level administrator in Hawaii, (i.e. Principal or Vice Principal), go to pderi.org or contact:
Professional Development and Educational Research Institute (PDERI)
345 Puuhale Road Room 106, Honolulu, HI 96819
Phone: 808-784-5300