
We serve our community by developing the academic achievement, character and social-emotional well-being of our students to the fullest potential. We work with partners, families and communities to ensure that all students reach their aspirations, from early learning through college, career and citizenship.

General Learner Outcomes

The overarching goals of standards-based learning for all students in all grade levels. Effort, work habits and behaviors are acknowledged to be a key component of developing su​ccessful, ethical and lifelong learners.​

​Our vision​​

Hawaii’s students are educated, healthy, and joyful lifelong learners who contribute positively to our community and global society.

Our core values

Hawaii seeks for its students to meet and exceed world-class academic standards, and do so in a way that reflects our island perspective. Hawaii’s students have strengths and abilities unique to an island home, with a tradition of stewardship, community, and mutual responsibility. We will cultivate, advance, and draw from Hawaii’s rich traditions and Native Hawaiian host culture.

  1. COMMITMENT TO EQUITY & EXCELLENCE: We believe every child is unique and deserves an excellent education — one that develops the whole student. Students succeed when their specific needs are met and their innate gifts and abilities are nurtured.
  2. MEANINGFUL LEARNING: We learn from many sources and in many ways. Hawaii provides abundant real-world learning environments relevant for success in a culturally diverse, technologically complex, and interdependent global society.
  3. CARING RELATIONSHIPS: Education is a responsibility shared by all and the best results come when we work together with aloha, respect, integrity, and openness.
  4. CONNECTION TO COMMUNITY, FAMILY AND AINA: We see students as part of an extended ohana, the environment, a larger community and a global society. Hawaii students value these connections and become stewards to help make our world a better place.

The Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan​, developed by the Department and the Board of Education, is the mechanism by which the state delivers on the promise of its mission. 

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