1SG Samuel K. Solomon Elementary

​​​​​​​​About this school

Solomon Elementary provides rigorous and engaging instruction. The school has parent-child literacy activities to assist in the development of literacy skills at home. Parent workshops are also conducted throughout the school year to support the math learning at home.

As part of the Solomon Wellness Education Program, the school has a partnership with Tripler Army Medical Center to provide school-based mental health services to students and their families. Solomon Elementary has participated in the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program, and students have started a school garden.

Academic plan & financial plan

Prior financial plans: 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-212019-20

Strive HI report

An annual snapshot of key school progress indicators such as reading, math and science scores, achievement growth, student readiness, and more. Learn more about the Strive HI Performance System here.

Prior reports: 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 | 2013-14 | 2012-13

View additional reports on this school in our Report Finder. Search for the school name, then sort by year, level and type of report.

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School Info

Official School Name:
1SG Samuel K. Solomon Elementary

Thomas Swan

211 Carpenter Street
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786    



Solomon Elementary

School Type:
Elementary School

Grade Levels:
kindergarten; 1st grade; 2nd grade; 3rd grade; 4th grade; 5th grade; pre-kindergarten