Speak Now HIDOE anti-bullying reporting app

HIDOE's anti-bullying app gives students another option in reporting bullying incidents that happen on campus, on HIDOE transportation, or during HIDOE-sponsored events — digitally, with an option to be anonymous. The reporting tool can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Students can still report any incident in person to a trusted adult.

Secondary Students in Grades 7-12

Elementary Students in Grades 4-6

About the app

The Speak Now HIDOE app provides another avenue for students to report bullying incidents on campus — digitally and anonymously, if they choose — to appropriate school personnel.

The app was made available to our middle schools on Jan. 31, 2019 as a first phase, high schools in September 2019, and elementary schools on March 1, 2022. 

Speak Now HIDOE can be downloaded from the App Store (Apple devices) or Google Play (Android devices). 

  • Watch the videos above for a step-by-step demonstration of how to submit a tip using the app. 
  • Click here to download our flyer.

Students can continue to safely report bullying incidents in person to a trusted adult. Learn more about our anti-bullying efforts.

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