IDEA Part B Reports & Resources

In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended in 2004, the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requires public reporting of all data submitted under Section 618. These reports are used to ensure implementation of programs designed to improve results for children and youth with disabilities.

State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) requires each state to develop a state performance plan/annual performance report (SPP/APR) that evaluates the state's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of the IDEA and describes how the state will improve its implementation. A state is required to submit a state performance plan (SPP) at least every six years. Each year, states must report against the targets in its SPP in an annual performance report (APR). The Annual Performance Report includes targets and data for 17 indicators. The Hawaii Department of Education worked with Hawaii's State advisory panel, Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) to establish measurable and rigorous annual performance targets.

FFY 2021 Annual Performance Report (click to download)

FFY 2020 Annual Performance Report (click to download)

FFY 2019 Annual Performance Report (click to download)

FFY 2018 Annual Performance Report (click to download)

State Determination

Section 616(d)of the IDEA requires the USDOE/OSEP to review each state’s APR annually. Based on the information provided in the APR, information obtained through monitoring visits, and any other public information, in June 2023, the USDOE/OSEP issued State Determinations for FFY 2021 SPP/APR.

FFY 2021 SPP/APR Stakeholder Meeting
December 9, 2022

A State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Stakeholder Engagement Meeting was co-hosted by the Hawaii State Department of Education and the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) on December 9, 2022 to review SY 2021-2022 data for selected SPP/APR indicators. The meeting was organized into small groups where district and state special education staff, parents, advocates, and representatives from state organizations were provided the opportunity to engage in group discussions in sharing information on specific indicators and provide feedback on improvement strategies for implementing the requirements of IDEA and increasing educational results and functional outcomes for our students with disabilities. 

Click on the links below for the a PDF of the slides:

Archived IDEA Part B SPP/APR Reports

Indicators for Federal Fiscal Year 2016-17 (published February 2018) can be found below, along with the Report Overview. Older Part B reports can be found using the Report Tool Finder tool to find: 

IDEA Part B SPP/APR Reports

State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)

A multi-year, achievable plan that is part of the SPP/APR, Indicator 17, and a requirement for all states and territories receiving federal funds for IDEA programs. It is intended to help states strengthen their infrastructure to support local practice and to use data to make decisions to achieve better results for students with disabilities.

There are three phases in the SSIP process:

Phase I - Analysis (submitted in 2015). A thorough analysis of data and the infrastructure that support professional practices.

Phase II - Plan (submitted in 2016): A multi-year plan for accomplishing the work of infrastructure development, supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices, and evaluation.

Phase III – Evaluation (submitted annually in 2017-2020). States report on progress, including results of on-going evaluation, extent of progress, and revisions to the improvement plan.

SIMR: "State-Identified Measurable Result"

Each state has selected an areas of focus for their SSIP. The SIMR is a statement of the result(s) the state intends to achieve through the implementation of the SSIP.

HIDOE's SIMR strategically selected the IDEA-eligibility categories of OHD, SLD, and SoL in grades 3 and 4. For the purposes of the SIMR, HIDOE focused on improving results for this group of students to calculate HIDOE's impact in narrowing or eliminating the achievement gap established in 3rd grade and in subsequent grades.  Focusing on this population allowed for greater analysis into targeted areas of improvement.

HIDOE's key measures (proficiency and growth) for the SSIP are:

  1. The percentage of 3rd and 4th grade students, combined, with eligibility categories of OHD, SLD, and SoL who are proficient on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy; and
  2. The Median Growth Percentile (MGP) of 4th grade students with eligibility categories of OHD, SLD, and SoL on the SBA for ELA/Literacy.

Phase III Year 5 Report 2021
Phase III Year 4 Sustainability Plan
Phase III Year 3 Report 2019
Phase III Year 2 Report 2018
Phase III Year 1 Report 2017
Phase II Report 2016
Phase I Report 2015

IDEA Section 618 Data Tables

Section 618 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) requires that each state submit data about the children with disabilities, ages 3 through 21, who receive special education and related services under Part B of IDEA.

IDEA Part B 618 Data Tables 2021-22

IDEA Part B 618 Data Tables 2020-21

Archived IDEA Part B Data Tables

IDEA Part B Data Tables from 2019-2020 or prior can be found using the Report Tool Finder:

IDEA Part B Data Tables 

Impartial Due Process Hearing Redacted Decisions

A parent/legal guardian or the Department may file a due process complaint on any matter relating to a proposal or a refusal to initiate or change the identification, evaluation or educational placement of your child, or the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for a student who receives special education and related services. 

Archived Impartial Due Process Hearing Redacted Decisions

Part B Due Process Hearings from 2015-16 or prior can be found using the Report Tool Finder:

Due Process Hearings Reports

Related Reports

Integrated Performance Monitoring Reports (Felix Consent Decree)

Special Education

All students are entitled to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Learn more about our services and your rights.

Contact Information

Patricia Dong

Phone: (808) 307-3600



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