Use of school facilities

Hawaii’s public school facilities shall be made available for public use as long as the requested activities do not interfere with normal school operations. Use of facilities is governed by Chapter 39, Hawaii Administrative Rules. Please use that as a formal guide; information below is provided as an overview.

Applying to use school facilities

Fill out the application for Use of Facilities online application at least 10 days prior to the requested date of use. For periods of use not exceeding 12 consecutive months, the school principal or a designee will approve or disapprove the use. For periods of use exceeding 12 consecutive months, the school will process the application, with final approval from the Board of Land and Natural Resources.

What are the types of uses?

  • Type I: Department, school and school-related activities. Examples include school-related activities, school parent-teacher-student organizations, all A-Plus programs.

  • Type II: Organizations for which no admission charge is made, collection taken, or offering received during the use of school facilities. Examples include after-school programs endorsed by the Department, public hearings, and meetings.

  • Type III: Organizations that charge participants a fee, tuition, collect donations, contributions or offerings; conduct fundraising activities or meetings or services to promote a business, product, or religion.

What can we charge the user for, and how much?

Rental of the facility(ies), custodial services and utilities. Depending on the type of use applied for, one or more of the eligible charges may not apply. For usage fees, please refer to the attached document, Use of Facilities: Fee Schedule​.

What happens to the money collected?

The principal or designee is responsible for the collection of fees. The amount collected shall be deposited into a special fund. Statutory special fund assessments shall first be deducted from the fees collected. Seventy percent of the remaining funds shall be credited to the school; 30 percent to the district. All funds collected for custodial services and utilities shall be used to reimburse the school.

What about property damage and liability?

All applicants must comply with state laws and county ordinances, including, but not limited to, the fire code and health regulations. Applicants shall also agree to:

  • Assume cost of repairs to facilities or grounds whether accidental or otherwise at the time of use.
  • Included in the Application for Use is a form (“Statement Indemnifying State Against Liability Claim”) that releases the state from any responsibility or claim arising out of use of school facilities. The completed original application goes to the district office. The school and applicant should have copies of the completed application.
  • Applicants for events which involve large crowds and/or greater risk (e.g., carnivals, non-department athletic events) shall be required to carry general liability coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 per incident of personal injury with the State of Hawaii named as the additional insured.
  • A fair organizer or promoter who charges participants for the use of parts of a facility or tables in a facility shall assure that each of the participants carries adequate liability insurance for an amount determined by the State of Hawaii.

What security measures need to be taken?

Except as determined by the principal or district superintendent, a minimum of one police officer shall be on duty for events using the gymnasium, auditorium, cafetorium or for swimming meets, carnivals and fairs. The applicant shall be responsible for hiring and paying for the police protection and shall submit the name(s) of the officers hired to the school prior to the event.

Can alcoholic beverages be served?

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco substances cannot be sold, consumed or used on school grounds or in school buildings.

Can users be given use of the cafeteria kitchen?

For kitchen use by outside groups, please contact the School Food Services Branch at 733-8400. The dining room and stage portions of the cafeteria are covered by the guidelines set forth on this page.

Use of county facilities report

The Office of Facilities and Operations (OFO) compiles an annual report to the Governor on monitoring the Department of Education's use of county properties for public purposes or school functions.

Contact Information

Facilities Development Branch

Phone: 808-784-5040


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