Strategic Plan

In February 2023, the Board of Education approved the first phase of its 2023-2029 strategic plan. The second phase, the Department's implementation plan, was approved by the Board in May 2023.


2023-2029 Plan

In mid-2022, the Board of Education launched its strategic planning process for public schools. In Feb. 2023, the Board unanimously approved the first phase of the State of Hawai‘i Public Education 2023-2029 Strategic Plan

Phase I of the strategic plan includes a new mission, vision, core values, priorities, goals, and the desired outcomes for the state's K-12 public education system. 

Phase II of the strategic plan consists of the implementation plan, which includes the strategies and metrics that the Department will use to reach the goals. In May 2023, the Board approved the Department's Implementation Plan for the 2023-29 Strategic Plan.


The Board of Education approved the Department's Implementation Plan for the 2023-29 Strategic Plan on May 18, 2023. For more information, click here.

A summary highlighting action items in the implementation plan is available here.

View the 2023-29 Implementation Plan Updates Dashboard.

Phase II: Implementation Plan Feedback 

The Department solicited feedback on the first draft of the strategies and measures for its implementation plan.

2017-2020 Plan

Equi​ty and Exc​​ellence​​

HIDOE Strategic Plan Implementation CoverWe believe in the unique strengths and potential of each and every child in our public schools. To fulfill our commitment to each student, Hawaiʻi’s public schools will achieve equity and excellence, so that all students can successfully discover and embark upon their chosen path in life. State offices, Complex Areas, and schools—DOE and charters—will apply their resources to ensure that all students have equal opportunity for a high-quality education. This education, integrated with our uniquely Hawaiian values and sense of place, will equip students for local and global leadership and the ambitious community, career, and college goals of their choice. Our students have high hopes for their future and by working together, all of us—including families, communities, state leaders, businesses, and partner organizations—can support the future of Hawaiʻi’s keiki and our island home.

  • Read the Plan [VIEW] | Executive Summary (poster) [VIEW]
  • Implementation Plan diagram [VIEW] | Implementation Plan action items [VIEW]. 10-point action items targeted around three high impact strategies: School Design, Student Voice, and Teacher Collaboration.
  • Strategic Plan Dynamic Report [VIEW]. Data aligned to the Strategic Plan's statewide success indicators.

As the governing document for public education in Hawai‘i, the Strategic Plan is the lens through which other plans, policies and efforts are shaped, including:

Goals and Expectations

HIDOE Strategic PlanThe plan keeps in place the three main goals​​ of Student Success, Staff Success, and Successful Systems of Support, while updating the strategies and objectives based on community feedback, lessons learned and Bright Spots in our schools (see below for more on the process). To measure progress on the Strategic Plan, the BOE and DOE commit to regular reporting on 14 key statewide success indicators and ensure students achieve the BOE's Vision of a Hawai‘i Public School Graduate (Policy 102-15​).​ We strive to increase our graduation rate to 90 percent by 2025, which would make our on-time graduation rate one of the highest in the nation. We also strive to ensure that the high school diploma is meaningful and represents career, college, and community readiness as embodied by academic standards and General Learner Outcomes​. This also contributes to our state’s “55 by ‘25” goal of more working age adults having a 2- or 4-year college degree to meet the forecasted needs of our economy.

Statewide indicators represent the overall health of public education, focusing on those which have greatest impact on student success, as well as state and federal requirements. They do not comprehensively represent diverse measures of success valued by our state’s nearly 300 schools. Schools can address their unique approach to indicators through their Academic and Financial Plans and charter school contracts.​


1. Chronic Absenteeism. Percentage of students who are absent for 15 or more days during the school year.


2. School Climate. Percentage of students reporting positive school climate as measured by the school climate dimension of the Tripod Survey.


3. Inclusion Rate. Percentage of students receiving special education services who are in general education classes for 80 percent or more of the school day.


4. 3rd Grade Literacy. Percentage of 3rd graders demonstrating reading of “At or Near” or “Above” grade-level expectation on Smarter Balanced Assessment.


5. 9th Grade On-Track. Percentage of first-time 9th graders promoted to 10th grade on-time.


6. Academic Achievement. Percentage of students meeting achievement targets on statewide assessments in English Language Arts/Literacy, Mathematics, and Science.


7. Achievement Gap. Performance differential between high-needs students (e.g., economic disadvantage, special needs, English learners) and their peers.

ELA33 pts25 pts2
Math29 pts22 pts2

8. High School Graduation. On-time rate based on federal methodology for Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate of students for earning a diploma within four years.


9. Career & Technical Education Concentrator. Percentage of 12th graders who complete a CTE Program of Study.


10. College-Going Rate. Percentage of high school completers enrolled in postsecondary institutions nationwide—vocational or trade schools, 2- or 4-year colleges—in the fall following graduation.


11. Teacher Positions Filled. Percentage filled by teachers with State Approved Teacher Education Program (SATEP) as of August 1 each year.


12. Teacher Retention. Percentage of teachers retained after five years.


13. Repair & Maintenance Backlog. Dollar amount in list of unfunded or deferred major R&M projects.


14​. Family Engagement. Percentage of parents reporting positive responses on the modified 2017-18 Involvement/Engagement dimension of the School Quality Survey.

1 The Tripod Survey will be used to measure school climate in 2017-18, the baseline will be set with that year. 2 Target finalized at BOE GBM 10/3/17. 3 Launch of Future Schools Now initiative and new accounting procedures under CIP Project Tracker to reset baseline and target. New data coming in 2019. 4 Modification of survey sets baseline in 2017-18. Target to be established.


implementation chart

View this chart to see what implementation looks like at the state, Complex Area and school level. Activities for each include:

  • SCHOOLS: Working in concert with their School Community Councils and staff, schools have developed their Academic Plans for 2017-2020. The plans, which are aligned to the goals, objectives and timeline of the Strategic Plan, are a tool to clearly and accurately communicate each school's needs, direction and activities for the coming school years. These plans can be accessed in the Report Finder, and they are also linked on the school's page.
  • COMPLEX AREAS: Complex Area Superintendents approved all Academic Plans in May 2017, and developed their own plans to include a reflection on data and strategies to expand successes and improve results.
  • STATE: Offices are responsible for reporting progress toward achieving the objectives, strategies, statewide initiatives and data indicators of the Strategic Plan — monthly to the Superintendent, as scheduled by committee to the Board of Education, and as needed to stakeholders and the public.

School and state personnel give their insight into Strategic Plan implementation:


The 2016 review & extension​ process​

The DOE and BOE embarked on a review and extension of its 2012-2018 Strategic P​​lan at the beginning of 2016. The goal was to gather input from the community to understand progress, challenges and lessons learned from the implementation of the existing plan, and take advantage of opportunities to introduce new strategies and objectives to support student success. (Pictured: feedback gathered at the final Hawaii State Student Council meeting of the 2015-16 school year.) View this video overview of the process.

​​It was an excellent time to initiate a review of the plan. A new federal law with broad bipartisan support, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), was signed into law by President Obama in December 2015. The DOE had completed the rigorous requirements for the Race to the Top grant in 2014. In 2015, the BOE had passed a new Ends Policy, Nā Hopena A‘o,​ a Department-wide framework to develop the skills, behaviors and dispositions that are reminiscent of Hawaiʻi’s unique context, and to honor the qualities and values of the indigenous language and culture of Hawaiʻi.

After extensive outreach and feedback (see below), the final plan was released on Nov. 30, 2016, and presented to and passed​ by the BOE on Dec. 6.​ BOE amendments to the plan included:

  • Recognition of both of Hawaii's official languages and Hawaiian language medium schools in the public school system.
  • Placing additional emphasis on:  multiculturalism, multilingualism, support of struggling students, attendance supports at home, mandating no additional testing, recognizing the issue of teacher shortages (especially for special education).
  • Including an ambitious target of reducing chronic absenteeism statewide to 9 percent by 2020.
  • Adding two statewide indicators:  Achievement Gap and a Family and Community Engagement indicator.


PHASE I - SPRING 2016: to develop a community-based definition of student success

  • via online survey (1,429 responses)
  • at 108 diverse focus groups with an estimated 1,201 participants conducted around the state (see map).
  • View Phase I Community Outreach report: PRINT | DIGITAL​
PHASE II - FALL 2016: to set objectives and strategies to realize the new definition of student success
  • BOE Community Meetings were held on Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Molokai and Kauai. Stakeholders who attended worked in teams to refine, rework or reject strategies designed to support draft objectives for student success culled from the Phase I outreach, and offer suggestions for what's working or what we need to achieve them. ​View list of meetings with links to Facebook galleries
  • At the end of September, a survey to gather additional input on Goal 2 (Staff Success) and Goal 3 (Successful Systems of Support) netted 1,144 responses.

  • A draft​​ plan was released on Oct. 18, 2016 for a public comment period that netted more than 4,000 views. Feedback revealed strong support for the objectives and strategies. (View summary of feedback here​.)

​​​Student Success is at the center of the Strategic Plan, so student voice is crucial. The DOE teamed with Oceanit and Adult Friends for Youth on a design thinking exercise to do a deep dive into how students would design schools:​





  • Honolulu Star-Advertiser: All voices welcome in shaping ​our education future [VIEW​]​​
  • Hawaii News Now: DOE/BOE seek input about strategic education plan [VIEW​]
  • Civil Beat: All voices matter in defining student success in Hawaii [VIEW​]
  • Hawaii News Now: Local Connection, with Asst. Supt. Tammi Chun [VIEW​]
  • Hawaii Public Radio, The Conversation (starts at 29:13) [LISTEN​]
  • Education Week, Teacher Blog: Placing students and families in the conversation [VIEW​]
  • ​Honolulu Star-Advertiser: DOE revamps state strategic plan​ [VIEW​]
  • Honolulu Star-Advertiser Name in the News: Tammi Oyadomari-Chun: Assistant superintendent advances DOE's plan [VIEW​]
  • Press Release: Student-centered Strategic Plan approved by Board [VIEW]

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